Subtle Body Therapy
"I increasingly perceive a new, higher level of consciousness, am more "focused" in being and more present in my actions ... somehow, I feel a "being guided" and experience "there is something really great happening to me - moments" ...great!"
"I have tried many things and worked on myself. It is the treatment that has taken me the farthest. I have finally found inner peace and stability."
Subtle Body Therapy
"I am doing great. Am so grateful for the treatment. I have absolutely no desire to smoke anymore and am very happy about it. Also feel totally grounded and connected to my higher self. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."
Subtle body therapy
"The therapy cycles 1 and 2 have triggered a positive, life-changing process in me. This has led me into a new consciousness and let me feel that I am allowed to realign myself in certain areas and thereby let go of what is unhelpful. The awakened primal trust in me, the "being guided", opens the gates to my new reality with my clear intention. I feel protected and supported. With joy I now walk my path in the trust that everything happens for my highest good."
subtle body therapy
"After severe strokes of fate, I had 4 years of psychotherapy and 6 hospital stays. I could no longer sleep, had to stop working, had anxiety, panic attacks, lost weight to 39 kg, nothing helped. My husband could no longer go to the office because I could no longer be alone. I had given up, saw only black, felt controlled by others. Then we heard about the fine material therapy with Cigdem Lösch through a friend. After one treatment cycle it already changed! After the 2nd cycle I feel like newborn. The "being controlled by "something" and everything else has disappeared. I can do everything myself again, household, driving, shopping, meeting with friends, being alone, all this was not possible before. I am "myself" again, just like before. I have so many interests again. Now I am working on my development, it gives me so much joy. It feels like "LIFE" again. A gift from heaven, THANK YOU. I am filled with love, gratitude and joy, THANK YOU.
Cell resonance therapy
"After only 2 treatments, my shoulder (frozen shoulder) was pain free, and by the end of the treatment series, I was able to fully move my arm again."